<Ox> nisam neki ljubitelj sporta ali
gledao sam nedavno tzv. nogometnu utakmicu. bilo neko prvenstvo, sta li... glupog li
i loseg sporta! kao prvo svi su skoro jednako obuceni; neznas ko je ko!
jos bi po facama mozda skuzio ali ovi snimaju sve izdaleka pa samo one kosice vidis neke tamnije a neke
svjetlije... sreca da ne nose bas svi one sto kazu fudbalerke frizure! drugo i drugo,
imali su samo jednu loptu a njih onoliko! ne znam jel to losa organizacija ili sta (ma znam, nema se para...)
ali neprestano su se otimali za nju. neki bi se jos i dodavali ali stalno dolecu drugi pa im nedaju da
se fino igraju nego im stalno loptu tu uzimaju i daju ovima sto su se obukli slicno ko oni.
a sudija nista! pravi se da nista ne vidi! peder.
bolje da su skupili novaca pa si kupili tih lopti, da ima svako svoju pa da se fino
loptaju a ne ovako ko bozemeprosti cigani.
* neko mi je nedavno objasnio da u tome i je finta, da jedni drugima otmu loptu.
meni je to glupo i bezobrazno. a drugo kad je vec tako zasto to onako ocigledno rade. ja da sam bozemeprosti nogometas, ja bi se onome
pametnije prisuljo ako mu vec ocu uzet loptu. ja bi ljepo doseto do njega, polako, da nista ne skuzi...
te bog kako si kako zena djeca te jesi kupio smok... pa kad on ne gleda a ja hap! uzmem mu loptu. a ne ovo... svakoj je budali jasno
kad onako trci prema njemu da mu oce uzet loptu. totalno su naivni, kao mala djeca. ja bi to sve u zatvor poslo. |
I'm a zero sports-fan, and I never watch sport, but recently I saw a co-called "soccer" game, by accident. Gee, what a stupid and bad sport! First of all, they're all dressed almost exactly the same; you can't tell who's who! Maybe you even could, by the faces, but these TV guys are shooting everything from afar, so you only see those little heads, some darker, some lighter... thank God they're not all wearing those so-called football-hairdos. Second (of all), they had only one ball on so many of them! I don't know is that a bad organization or what (maybe lack of money), but they kept aggresively robbing eachother of it. True, some of them were trying to, like, pass it nicely to others too, but some other guys kept running in, and stealing it from them, and sending it to those that dressed like they did. As if the suit makes a man. And the judge was pretending to see nothing! Fag.
They'd do better to collect some money, and buy themselves enough of those balls, so each has it's own; instead of snaching it from one another like gypsies!
* Someone told me recently that that's exactly the point: to steal it from one another. I find it rather stupid and a sign of lack of culture. Secondly, if it is so, why they do it so obviously? If I was - God forbid - a football-player, i would sneak more cunningly to the other guy. I would, say, walk to him in a care-free manner, slowly, so he doesn't have a clue...
I'd go "hi, how's wife and children, have you fixed your car" etc... and THEN, when he's not on alert, hop! I steal the ball. And not like this... every fool can see, when he's running like a madman, that he's after the ball. They're utterly naïve, like small children! I would send them all to prison. |